Under the powerful theme of “Strengthening Maternal and Newborn Care Through Advanced Midwifery Education,” the seminar aimed to revolutionize maternal and child health care by setting higher standards of midwifery practice. This commitment to excellence was reinforced by the approval of 6 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units for attendees, a testament to the seminar’s rigorous educational value.
Kicking off at 8:30 a.m., the event was inaugurated with inspiring messages from IMAP Camarines Norte President Ms. Josefina Rabeje and IMAP Region 5 President Ms. Marina P. Samson, setting a tone of unity and purpose.
Key presentations that captivated the audience included a compelling lecture by IMAP National President Ms. Dionica L. Saquillon on best practices for upholding ethical standards and the essential role of midwives in delivering high-quality care. IMAP Executive Director Ms. Patricia Gomez further enriched the discourse with valuable insights.
A groundbreaking highlight of the seminar was delivered by Dr. Jesus Randy “Bogs” Rivera, President of the End Cervical Cancer Philippines Organization Inc. and founder of CerviQ. Dr. Rivera unveiled a pioneering approach to cervical cancer screening called “Silip Cervix Sagip Buhay,” which harnesses innovation and technology to save lives.
Former Chairman of the PRC Board of Midwifery, Dr. Alejandro San Pedro, offered a glimpse into the WHO Labor Care Guide, followed by a hands-on workshop utilizing the partograph, equipping midwives with practical tools for improved labor management.
Lastly, Dr. Alma F. Labarro delivered an eye-opening lecture on the critical importance of nutrition in fetal growth and development, emphasizing the role midwives play in safeguarding future generations.
The success of this scientific seminar is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the IMAP Camarines Norte 2024 Officers, who deserve congratulations for their unwavering commitment to advancing the midwifery profession and improving maternal and child health outcomes across the Philippines.
Congratulations to the IMAP Camarines Norte 2024 Officers for the successful scientific event.
President: Josefina T. Rabeje RM, BSM, LPT
1st Vice President: Myrna S. Comia, RM, BSM
2nd Vice President: Jelly S. Gamboa, RM
Secretary: Eva P. Gonzales, RM
Asst Secretary: GIanne Leigh A. Paor, RM, BSM / Beatrice A. Adorino, RM
Treasurer: Cristina Camacho, RM
Asst Treasurer: Remedios Agil
Auditor: Emely Santos, RM, BSM
PIO: Sylvia A. Madrigal, RM
Board of DIrectors: Annabella G. Pesit, RM, Amihan Narzoles, RM, BSM, Maribel Zantua, RM, BSM, Lenie De Leon, RM, RN, Irma Pajarillo, RM
Adviser: Gloria P. De Leon, PhD