Cervical Cancer is a highly preventable disease, YET it is the second most common cancer of women in the Philippines.
According to researchers, widespread use of HPV vaccine combined with Increase cervical cancer screening can prevent millions of cases worldwide.
AUSTRALIA is set to be the first country in the world to eliminate cervical cancer by 2035 because of this. Thus, we should start doing the same following Australia’s lead….
But where do we actually start?
In 2001, the World Heath Organisation Health Survey reported a dismal 7.7% screening coverage among Filipino women age 18 – 69 years of age.
The University of the Philippines, Department of Health , Cervical Cancer Screening Study Group reported 42% of the 389 Philippine Hospitals surveyed offer screening and early detection services for cervical cancer.
The group identified causes of failure of cervical cancer screening methods that include:
- The lack of patient knowledge about symptoms associated with cervical cancer
- A fatalistic attitude of Filipino women towards cancer and the lack of awareness that cervical cancer is curable
- The Lack of screening facilities and expertise and of treatment facilities in rural areas and And,
- Lack of patient compliance with follow-up and treatment.
In February 2006, the Philippine DOH established a Cervical Cancer Screening Program to initiate an “organised” nationwide program. Screen and Treat programs too were initiated, yet there is much help that is required. How can we help Eradicate Cervical Cancer in the Philippines.
Learn how a smartphone can aid detect cervical cancer, help save lives and see how you can make this the LEGACY for those who would like to get involved.