Cervical Cancer ranks the second most common in women in the Philippines. About 4088 Filipino women die from this disease annually, or roughly 11 women per day. According to the World Health Organization, Cervical Cancer is the ONLY CANCER that can be entirely preventable through vaccination and screening.
Australia will be the first country set to eliminate this disease by 2035. This declining number of cases is primarily due to its active National Cervical Screening and HPV Vaccination Program.
In one report released by the World Health Organization, only one (1%) percent of all Filipino women aged 30 to 50 years old underwent cervical screening in 2019. In contrast, only 5% of the young adult population received complete vaccination.
The World Health Organization recommends each country achieve: 90% of girls receive HPV vaccination by the age of 15 and 70% of women aged 30 to 50 receive screening.

In line with the need to drastically improve our screening rates and thereby save the lives of women, this END CERVICAL CANCER coalition shall be holding this activity to educate and save women.
Who can avail?
- Preferably women who are 30 to 50 years old, married or someone whom had already had either borne a child or had sexual experiences.
- Limited to Manila City Hall employees and/or otherwise appointed/referred/endorsed by the Manila City Hall Personnel Section.
- Must not have menstruation during the time of the screening
- Must not have sexual activity at least 2 days prior the screening.
Where Will the Screening Be Held?
CERVIRAY AI – The First Artificial Intelligence Based Colposcope that can detect Cervical Precancer up to 93% sensitivity and 89% specificity.