Can you get rid of HPV? How? If you have worries about HPV, you are not alone. Watch below a Q and A with Dr. Manny, brought out by Fox News and learn what to avoid and how to boost your immunity.
Nearly half of all sexually active people will contract some form of HPV within their lifetime. It has been estimated that at least 80% of sexually active women and men will be exposed to HPV in their lifetime. Some say the numbers are closer to 100%. HPV is responsible not only for cervical cancer but also for vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal and oropharyngeal cancers.
How to Get Rid of HPV?
In most cases, the body can get rid of HPV as early as 6 months to about two years.
HPV is a virus, which means it replicates in your DNA. Your body can fight HPV into such a deep level of dormancy that it will only return when your immune system is severely weakened. Sadly, you can’t get rid of HPV completely – there is no HPV cure as of yet. Women who harbor high-risk HPV and don’t fight it could develop cervical dysplasia and eventually cervical cancer.
Get vaccinated.
HPV vaccines offer protection to some of the most common types of HPV responsible for genital warts, cervical cancer, and other related genital cancers. However, it does not provide protection to all types of HPV. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends: “All boys and girls get two doses of the HPV vaccine at ages 11–12. HPV vaccination can be started at age 9. For the HPV vaccine to be most effective, the series should be given before exposure to HPV. HPV vaccine is recommended at ages 11–12 to ensure children are protected long before they are ever exposed to the virus.
Limit the risk of contracting HPV.
You can avoid getting HPV by limiting your sexual partners to a minimum or by sticking to a mutually monogamous partner. Wearing a rubber is a good idea but it does not prevent you from contracting genital warts when there is skin-to-skin contact.
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A and carotenoids.
In a recent study in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention had found that women who consumed large amounts of vegetables were less likely to have persistent HPV. Focus on eating carrots, spinach, sweet peas, kale, cantaloupe, papaya, pumpkins, watermelons, turnips, red peppers, collard greens…and much more. Getting your essential vitamins and minerals will keep your immune system strong.
Avoid long-term use of oral contraceptive pills.
Studies have shown, women who have HPV and have used oral contraceptives for five years are nearly four times as likely to develop cervical cancer. The good news is that the risk decreases once women go off the pill. It appears that the body can get rid of HPV more readily once hormone cycles have returned to normal.