In the heart of our communities, amidst the everyday hustle and bustle, a monumental stride in healthcare was recently achieved – a successful cervical cancer screening mission that not only marked a significant leap towards women’s health but also showcased the power of collective effort, compassion, and science. As we reflect on this journey, it’s crucial to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each individual, community, and sponsor who played a pivotal role in turning this vision into a reality.
The Genesis of the Of Our Free Cervical Cancer Screening Mission
Cervical cancer, a preventable disease that has claimed countless lives, has always been at the forefront of our healthcare initiatives. Recognizing the urgent need for early detection and education, we embarked on a mission aimed at providing free cervical cancer screenings, educational workshops, and resources to communities with limited access to healthcare services.
The planning phases were intense and required meticulous attention to detail, from ensuring the availability of funds from Rotary Clubs, medical professionals, and volunteers to securing the necessary medical equipment and supplies. It was a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together for a common cause.
A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Sponsors
Our mission’s success was made possible by the unwavering support of our sponsors, whose generosity knew no bounds. Their contributions went beyond financial support, providing us with the resources, equipment, and moral support needed to navigate the complexities of such a large-scale healthcare initiative.
We extend our deepest gratitude to:
- Rotary Club of South San Francisco District 5150: For their generous donation of an annual artificial intelligence subscription for our digital colposcope – Cerviray AI, ensuring our team was equipped with the necessary tools to conduct screenings efficiently and safely.
- Rotary’s Best People of Action, The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints, Rotary Club of Makati F. Zobel, Rotary Club of Rizal West, Marikina Valley Off-Roaders Eagles Club, Marikina Businesswoman Ate Ces Reyes, Marikina Councilor Carl Africa, and Pearl Homeowners Association, Inc.: For providing the funding required to mobilize our team of healthcare professionals and volunteers, ensuring we could reach even the most remote communities.
- Dr. Sheila Marie L. Afalla, Dr. Thomas Niccolo Filamor Reyes, Rtn Tony Cama, Top Gun President Allan Palacio: For their support in our educational campaigns, helping us produce and distribute informative materials that will continue to impact community awareness and health literacy for years to come.
- Mae Binauhan of DZRH, HCP Daisy Calara Valdez of the Rotary Club of Malate Prime: For their support in our media campaigns, helping us to reach our goal to screen 10,000 women in a year. Your support has not only helped save lives but has also sparked a beacon of hope for countless individuals and their families.
- And to all our other sponsors, Rotary Club of Manila, my club Rotary Club of Manila South: Your contributions, whether big or small, played a crucial role in the success of our mission.
Impact and Reflections
The impact of our cervical cancer screening mission for a year is profound, with hundreds of women soon to be screened and many precancerous stages will be identified and referred for early treatment through the help of the Cancer Coalition Philippines and the National Integrated Cancer Control Act (NICCA) Council member – Ms. Carmen “Menchie” Auste. This mission has illuminated the importance of early detection and has empowered women with the knowledge and resources to take charge of their health.
Beyond the numbers, the stories of individuals who accessed these critical services for the first time are a powerful reminder of the mission’s true value. From the young woman who learned how to take preventive vaccination and cervical screening steps to the mother who can now live with the peace of mind that she is cancer-free, these stories are the heart of our mission.
Looking Forward
While we take a moment to celebrate this incredible achievement, we are reminded that our work is far from over. Cervical cancer continues to be a significant threat, and our commitment to combating this disease remains unwavering.
We look forward to continuing this journey, armed with the knowledge, experience, and partnerships forged through this mission. Our resolve to make cervical cancer screening accessible to all women, regardless of their socioeconomic status or geographical location, is stronger than ever.
A Final Thank You
To our sponsors, volunteers, healthcare professionals, and every individual who supported this mission in any capacity: thank you. Your generosity, time, and effort have not only made this mission possible but have also paved the way for a healthier future for women everywhere.
Together, we have taken a significant step towards eradicating cervical cancer. Let’s continue to work hand in hand, for the health of our mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. The journey continues, and with your support, we are more hopeful than ever about the road ahead.
Next Mission:
Our next mission will be on March 7 held at the Jose Rizal Elementary School in Pasay sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pasay MOA led by Hope Creating President Franzia Layugan, March 8 – a school in Tondo sponsored by the Rotary Club of Tondo, and March 9 held at the Marikina Polytechnic College.